GSWF Objectives
Environmental education that raises awareness:
Awareness of the preservation of Nature, Cultural awareness and the preservation of especially traditional Indigenous Cultures, Natural resources such as Water, to contributes to formal Education; training land managers, teachers and staff encourages environmental standards.
To make youth more aware of the importance of Nature through different environmental projects like garbage recycling as how to make charcoal from different wastes, how to get clean water, the tree nurseries and the tree planting programs, by bringing them together in this activities GSWF also inspire Unity among the youth because they pursue the same goal.
To promote sustainable development through environmental Education, Culture awareness, both by carrying out program and creating an awareness of the concept of environmental Education across the world.
Preserve and respect:
Teaching youth and their communities the importance of preserving and respect of their own culture as well as someone else’s, about different Cultures of different people with different backgrounds including their dressing style, dancing, music, art and of course different cuisines.
Teaching youth and their communities the importance of being Self-reliance. To share their ideas, knowledge and results with others, by bounding hands together they can achieve so much more.
Exchange programs:
To create Unity and Respect among youth from different Cultures and
backgrounds through three short term Exchange programs,